Spousal support is often a big part of a divorce case. What many other states refer to as Alimony, in Texas it is known as Spousal Support. Spousal support is never a guarantee in a divorce. If you have a valid claim to receive spousal support it is important that your attorney is doing everything they can to make sure that you receive what you are entitled to.
In Texas family courts will look at many factors to determine if a spouse is eligible to receive spousal support including;
The income of both spouses,
Length of the marriage,
The health condition of each spouse,
The ability to be gainfully employed,
Education of the spouse.
In divorce matters that involve the potential of obtaining spousal support, I usually recommend sending discovery to your spouse in order to obtain an accurate reflection of their financials. In a family law case, each party has the opportunity to send a discovery request to the other party. Discovery is a chance for each side to ask relevant questions and obtain specific documents as they relate to the divorce. This may be an added expense upfront but many times is well worth it to know the correct financial information.
If you have additional questions regarding spousal support please view my FAQ page or contact me. I handle spousal support matters in Smith, Gregg, & Rusk Counties.